Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Gallon of Milk

Today I had a touching experience. Katelynn was helping me set the table for breakfast. ("I a helper, Mommy") I handed her the gallon of milk to take to the table and it was a bit too heavy for her. Immediately she said, "I need help. Daddy, help me!" Then, Scott came over,lifted the bottom of the jug and helped her walk over to the table with it. As I stood there watching, I started to get teary-eyed. It was such a beautiful example to me of how our Father in Heaven is there for us, ready to help us carry our own heavy 'gallons of milk'. When we come across 'milk jugs' in our own lives that are a bit too heavy for us to carry, we should follow Katelynn's example and cry out, "I need help. Daddy, help me." He is our Father. He is there for us. He wants to help us carry those heavy loads. Let us open ourselves up to His love and let Him help us. All we need to do is ask.


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