Friday, November 7, 2008

Persecution of the Church Before Our Very Eyes

Did you know that yesterday there were thousands of protesters outside of the LA Temple because Prop 8 in California passed? Neither did I, and once I read about it, and saw the pictures of the graffiti on the main gates of the temple, I was shocked.

Here is the link to a blog post which has some live news coverage and links to a couple of newspaper articles about it.

Welcome to the last days, folks.

Do you have your food storage and your 72 hour kits?


  1. They came to protest in Salt Lake too, really brought it home for me. I am glad the church is sticking to their guns though, it is the right choice and someone has to be there to stand firm in a very uncertain time.

  2. OH MY HECK JILLIAN!!! So I was looking through your friend links on your page and I think I know your friends the Mortensen's. I assume it is someone who goes to school with Scott, but get this. I lived with Carly once. She had a room for rent in her house in Provo by the old Reams across the railroad tracks and I rented that room from her for a couple months before I moved back to Oregon! Isn't that crazy?! That is such a small world...I think. You have to feel it out and ask if thats really her for me. I'm dying to find out! Hahaha!

  3. Yeah, I got super nervous when I saw that! And then it only got worse with the protesting in Salt Lake! So close to home, I didn't like it at all.
    P.S. Did I ever tell you I'm student teaching at AF high? I remember you asking me that awhile ago.

  4. Hey! Thanks for reading the biggest blog of all time! I just had to have a good old fashioned rant. I love that all of these people are crying bigotry while acting like total bigots themselves. This post was funny - Oh I got my 72 hour kit baby! (Though I'm not sure I'll need it. Cali's probably just going to drop into the ocean one of these day... ha ha!)


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