Sunday, July 17, 2011


On Easter weekend our cat, Daisy, had a litter of kittens! She had four-- 3 girls and 1 boy. She had them in the backyard under our cartop carrier shell, then moved them into the house under the kids' bunk bed. It was so hilarious, because the kitties were under the kids' bed for a couple of weeks and they didn't even notice! One night we were having family scripture study in the kids' room and all the kitties started mewing, and the kids didn't hear a thing! Scott and I were cracking up.  Finally one day the kids heard the kittens and we let them hold them. At that point the kittens' eyes were already open.

When the kittens were eating solid food and were old enough to leave their mama, we listed them on Craigslist. One woman took two of them, and two other families took the other two. The kids were sad to see them go, but I can't have 5 cats and a dog in the house! Yikes!

The kids named the kittens Tiger, Dalmatian, Snow Gray and Grace. Katelynn said they chose Grace for one of the kittens because she was named after Dad's horse Grace (there's still debate on that, by the way), so she wanted a kitten named Grace after her and the horse. Ha ha ha!

Here are some cute pictures of our adventures with kittens! The really cute ones were done by my friend, Ashley. Her pictures played a big part in getting them re-homed, I would say. They all left the day before we left on our trip, so it was great timing.

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