Friday, January 29, 2010

The Zoo in the "Winter" with the Winters

During Scott's break from school at Christmastime we went to the zoo with our good friends, the Winters. It was a beautiful day, and the weather was perfect. Plus, we were able to check-out some culture passes to get into the zoo, so that was sweet.

Here's another thing that is sweet- Michael & Katleynn holding hands in the car on the way there. No, I did not pose them this way. They were just sitting there like that, so I turned around and took a picture.

"Mom, take a picture of me on this dolphin!"

The girls in the kangaroo pouch. Or should I say the "kids"?

"Sorry, I'm not home right now. I'm walkin' in your spiderweb..."

Feeding the ducks. Much safer than the last time we tried that!

Katelynn brushing a goat. They both look happy to be there. Well, who knows about the goat. They're so hard to read sometimes...

Michael showing Joel the goat-brushing ropes.

"We can take a ride on my big, green tractor..."

All three goofballs. Is it just me, or does it seem like they just became kids all of a sudden in the last couple of months? Wowzers!

After the zoo we stopped by a discount food store. You can always find such interesting stuff in there. Katelynn & Emma wanted me to take a picture of them under this umbrella. Like Katelynn's winking skillz?


It was a fun trip to the zoo. Thanks for meeting us there, Rob & Kristen!


  1. So fun, we love the zoo in the winter, of course ours still requires a thick coat and gloves. The kids really are becoming kids! Cute ones too!

  2. The pictures are all excellent! I wa-ant to go too!


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