Wednesday, December 10, 2008

O Christmas Tree

On Sunday we put up the tree. I think the kids really got a kick out of it. Whenever we handed them another ornament to put on the tree they would say, "My *insert color here* one?!" It was cute. As for the was the first time we had ever set up this new pre-lit tree and Scott was majorly disappointed with it. He thinks the top looks kinda stupid, but oh well. We had another one, but we left it when we moved because we had this new one and said to ourselves, 'Why do we need three trees?'. But, I digress.

The kids thought it was very important to make sure there were lots of ornaments hung under the tree. Silly kids!

As we decorated the tree we listened to Christmas music. By the way... a GREAT place to listen to music is on If you haven't heard of it, it's pretty awesome. They are doing what is called the Music Genome Project, and they are analyzing all music and grouping it according to the genres, tonalities, instrumentations, form, etc. So, you can go onto the website and create your own stations based on the type of music you want to hear. You type in an artist or song name, and Pandora does the rest. For example, to me the 'old' holiday music sounds the most Christmasy, so I set up a station on Pandora with Josh Groban and Bing Crosby as the inspiration and *voila*, an uber-festive station to listen to!

Wow, am I off on tangents today, or what?! Back to the tree... As we put the angel on top we sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "Angels We Have Heard on High". Then afterwards we had apple pie with ice cream for dessert. All in all it was a nice night. It was fun to have Scott with us to do something festive.

And I am going to invest in a voice recorder that says, "Don't touch the tree" in a loop.

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