Thursday, April 16, 2009

One Little Monkey...

Michael has discovered that he can climb one of the trees in our backyard. So now, every time I turn around he's out there, up in that tree. The first time he did it was one morning before I woke up. I was in bed and Katelynn came running into our room yelling, "Michael's stuck up in the tree!!" At first I thought I was still asleep. Then I looked at my window and saw it for myself. I threw some clothes on, and ran out there to make sure he was okay. Once I realized he was fine, I grabbed the camera! He was already on his way down, but I still got one of his first tree climb.

Here are some pictures from another day of climbing. He was so funny, because he kept saying, "I'm saving my life!" Silly kid. He also calls this his "pirate tree". Don't ask me why. I have no idea.

Workin' hard.

I thought this picture turned out kind of neat, with the flower as the focus and the climbing boy in the background.

Well, folks. We have a little monkey on our hands!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a good climber! I'm surprised my kids haven't thought of that yet. Glad to hear Katelynn can get off the 'roids :)--not nearly as glad as you are I'm sure. Thanks for the spaghetti factory info, hooray! As far as potty rewards, I just broke down and got dollar store toys and they could have one every time they did #2. I don't think that was it though, Carter just got where he hated to be poopy so something just clicked and he started going in the potty. Still working with Davis (groan!).


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