Monday, July 6, 2009

Swim Lessons

This summer the kids have been taking swimming lessons through the rec. department. Each session is Monday-Thursday for 2 weeks. They have finished Preschool A & B. Now we are taking a little break, then we'll sign up for another session of Preschool B, because their teacher doesn't think they are quite ready for Preschool C yet. That's okay with me!

They have learned a lot so far. I am really proud of them, especially Michael, who is a little chicken when it comes to water. Before, if he got even a tiny bit of water in his face he would freak out. Now, he willingly puts his head in the water. Hooray!

They are learning how to coordinate their arms and legs, float and go underwater. In PreSchool B they had to hold onto the side of the pool for the majority of their 30 minute class and had to either "monkey' along the wall to get to the stairs or climb up out of the pool by themselves. They are becoming so grown up!!

One of their favorite games in their class is the "wake up" game. The teacher helps them float on their back with their arms & legs out, belly up and eyes closed. Then the class says, "One. Two. Three. WAKE UP!!" and the teacher pops them up out of the water. They loved it, and got pretty good at floating on their backs with little help.

I am so excited for them and all they are learning in their lessons. Their rise in confidence at the pool is amazing. We'll see how much more they learn during their next session!

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