Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 4

There are many things today.

First, I am grateful for the police officers, firefighters and military who risks their lives for us everyday. In our city a police officer was shot while on duty and died, leaving behind a wife and two young children. They live in our stake, and the officer was good friends with some of our friends. The news is awful, and I get choked up every time I think about it. Our ward helped with the luncheon following the funeral, so I went to the stake center to drop off a salad. While we were there, the procession arrived, complete with a ton of officers on motorcycles, and many big cars with tinted windows. Michael said, "I think I saw some spies!!" The kids asked why I had to bring a salad to the stake center, what was going on, why were the flags around town halfway up, etc. I tried to explain everything to them. It gets harder when the kids get older and you have to tell them about sad or difficult things. Although I don't know the family, I mourn their loss. It is very saddening. I can't imagine what they are going through, or the shock they must be feeling at this time. But, I am very grateful for the men and women who put their lives on the line everyday for our safety. It is amazing.

Second, I am grateful for the opportunity I've had to attend the Strengthening the Family class I've been able to attend the last couple of months. Our last class was tonight. Scott was only able to attend the first couple of classes with me, but it has given us an opportunity to talk about the things we are doing right as parents, and other things we need to improve on. We've learned a lot about how to be better parents, spouses, and people.  It has been a great experience. If you get a chance to take it you totally should!

Third, I am grateful we were able to trade the kids' Halloween candy in at a local dentist's office for free kids' meals at Red Robin. I let the kids each pick out 15 pieces to keep before handing the rest over. There are several perks to this. #1- no more candy in the house, for the kids AND me. #2- we love Red Robin, so that will be a fun family activity. We don't go out to eat very often. #3- the candy gets sent to the troops serving in the Middle East.

Fourth, one of my bestest friends & family members, who shall remain nameless (don't want people getting jealous...), sent me Michael Buble's Christmas CD today!! When I opened the envelope I literally screamed! Just that very day I had been thinking to myself, "Hmmm, when does Michael Buble's Christmas album come out? I'll have to tell Scott to get me that for Christmas." So, I was VERY excited! The kids were excited, too, because they love listening to Michael Buble. (Do I have them trained well, or what?!)

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