Thursday, October 30, 2008

Daddy a School

Sometimes you wonder what the kids think about this whole 'med school' thing. All they know is that Daddy is gone at school in class or studying all the time. At least, that's what we tell them. But, I wonder if they know exactly what that means. A couple of examples...

*A couple Saturdays ago Scott went to volunteer at the Special Olympics (I told him to get a pic so I could 'blog' it, but he forgot). They got to look at the competitors' feet & such, plus it gave them some of their required service hours. Anyway, when he got home he was wearing the scrub top they gave him and the kids were all, like, "Daddy, you a doctor now?", then after he changed Katelynn said, "You a Daddy again?" It was so funny.

* The other day when I was trying to get the kids to lay down for their nap Michael asked where Scott was. I told him he was at school learning how to be a doctor, and Michael goes, "Again?!" ,like he should be one by now or something.

They DO say things, like, "Daddy a(t) school", "Daddy you go to school and class?" and, "Daddy be a doctor." Some day they will understand. I tell Scott that if it is any consolation, they probably won't remember him being gone a lot when they get older. When my Dad was in pharmacy school I was in the lower grades of elementary school and I wasn't 'scarred for life' or anything. I vaguely remember that when he was doing his residency he was in a city a few hours away and would come home on the weekends, and send us tapes with him talking to us on them. That's about it.

Well, hopefully Scott will get through this rough first year and the kids will be able to say in a few years that "Daddy a doctor".

1 comment:

  1. I really like the "Again?" Just like a three year old to want immediate results! If only it worked that way... :)


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