Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The last few days in a nutshell

Here's a quick sum-up of the last few days.


9:20am - show up 50 minutes late for the Primary activity
10:00 am- pick up kids from said activity
10:20 am (or 10:30, not quite sure)- finally get the kids in the car after wrangling them outside, then in the bathroom, then outside again. Drive to the grocery store.
12:00 pm- I think I was home from the store by then. And can I just say, WIC drives me nuts! The pros: free food. The cons: Incompetent staff at their office, have to use certain checks at certain times and if you don't, you lose the food (right now I have 3 1/2 gallons of milk in my fridge), Inconsistency in food choices: I bought string cheese last week and this week I tried to buy the EXACT same bag of string cheese, but it came up as a non-WIC item. What's up with that?! Same thing happened with some PB. Huh?!
1:00 pm- try to get the kiddos to take a *&?#$%@!! nap
4:00 pm- kiddos awaken from their nap. No, they were NOT asleep for 3 hours. Maybe 1 or 1 1/2, if I'm lucky. Clean, clean, clean before friends arrive.
5:15pm and shortly thereafter- friends (wives of Scott classmates) arrive for "Movie Night", aka "talk all night and not watch a movie while the kiddos play" Night. *Thanks for coming, girls!*
Later- get the kidlets in bed.

8:10- arrive at church. Sit in the way back where they have the folding chairs. Try to wipe the sleep from our 'used to 2:00 church' eyes.
11:15- get home, get lunch, get nap! (well, kids get nap)
5:00- ward choir. we only had, like, 6 people there! Guess everyone is still getting used to the new time. That's ok. We'll get the numbers up! We have to, 'cause we are singing the fourth Sunday of every month, plus Stake conference in March AND the Easter program in April. No pressure..
7:00 or so- eat Daddy's yummy dinner, then finish helping Daddy set up his new tent in the backyard. Campout planned for Tuesday night.

bum around the house all day and pray Daddy does well on his test. He had one Monday and one Tuesday, then has one this Friday, next Monday & Tuesday. Cra.Zy! I don't think anything really happened today. I think maybe we watched Princess Diaries 2, like, three times or something. "I wanna watch Princess Mia! And Queen Clarice!"

10:30- storytime at the library
12:00 or 12:30- wrench the children from the library to go home for lunch.
1:30- time for another &*^$%#@! nap
3:30- seriously, they STILL aren't asleep?!?!
4:30- kids wake up from their nap
6:00- realize the Relief Society presidency is coming over for a visit tonight at 7:30. Start to remove evidence of three-year-old house trashing.
7:00- Daddy comes home. Mommy runs to the store for cherries, tomatoes and chocolate.
7:20- arrive home and vacuum
7:30- visit with RS ladies
8:00- eat dinner. Daddy made hamburgers. Wa-hoo!!
8:30- build a fire for our camp-out
9:00- look at the clock and realize it's probably too late to feed the natives smores. :(
Time to get ready for bed. (It's only a couple hours past the kids' bedtime.) Michael opens his belated Christmas present from Grandma & Grandpa R- it's a kid sleeping bag!
10:30- I think everyone was out by then. Slept in the tent in the backyard.

11:00- arrive at the park for ward playgroup..which started at 10. Man, I'm seeing a trend here... Eat a picnic lunch.
12:15- gather the children to get into the car. Chase Emma, who is running down the street out of the park. Spank her butt!! (This is a safety issue. Running down the street when Mommy is yelling to stop is a more than appropriate time for a spankin')
12:45- arrive home. Take the kids out of the car to go to the potty, then put them back in. Katelynn has a dr. appt in downtown Phoenix.
1:45- finally leave the house. Holy cow!
2:20- arrive in the parking garage at the hospital
2:40- arrive at the doctor's office.

the rest of the day...
leave the dr.. stop by Scott's school to grab the 'food card'.. run over to Fry's to get the last of the WIC before it expires (see above) and a few other items.. stop by the school to give Scott some food.. go home..make dinner..let the kids play some while I blog..go check on the kids,'cause I hear the water running.....




Clean up flood in the bathroom..consider sending out a dove to look for dry land..get the kids their "pullin' up diapers".. remind children we don't jump on the couch.. tell the children I don't want to hear about any more 'head bunkings' done unto them ("so-and-so bunked my head").

Now I'm going to go read the kids stories and put them down for the night. Maybe I'll put in a chick flick while I fold some laundry. I deserve it, don't you think?!

Thanks for sticking through my long, probably boring post. I just thought it would be a good idea to do a post about what really goes on day-to-day, because I'm sure there will come a time when I forget what these days were like, and I'd like to be able to read about it later. Good night!

PS- Laura, I totally was thinking about doing a post like this, then I saw yours! Dangit, she beat me to the punch! Ha! Oh, well. Maybe great minds really DO think alike. :)


  1. WHOA! Stop that crazy train! I'll bet you want off!

  2. Oh and I'm not by any means condoning drugging your kids for naps and bedtime...but seriously you should think about drugging your kids for naps and bedtime! Haha, a couple bottles of night time cold medicine each night....I'm not in any way suggesting, but have you ever thought about it?! HAHAHA! Just kidding...but no really...:)


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