On Friday we met friends Annie & Pam at the park for a picnic.
Katelynn & Logan playing in the sand. Oh, I have to tell you... It was SO funny. When Michael and Logan saw each other they were SO excited and gave each other a {big hug}. Super cute.
Emma cheesin' it for us.
Michael about to climb a rock wall.
On Saturday we met together again at Pam's to go swimming. I had forgotten how complicated it can be to take 3 kids swimming. They started to really try my patience near the end when I was trying to get them to leave the pool. Aaahh!
Here are the girls hangin' in the hot tub.
Michael, squinting in the sun.
Thanks for the invitation, girls! We had fun. I know the kids love seeing Logan, "Baby Cole" and "Baby Kenna"... and I like seeing you too, of course!
We love playdates! It's supposed to be super warm this week... let me know if you want to brave the pool again!